Thursday, April 12, 2012

Here comes spring

Spring is almost here. Azaleas came early and escaped the frost predicted for the higher elevations tonight. The planting gets underway next week.
Santorum is over, for now. He is not going away and people who value the right to make their own personal choices need to remember that. He did succeed in getting Romney to pander, and that is going to make defeating Obama very difficult.
The coming general campaign will be ugly. Can we resist the media’s exaggerating differences just to increase ad revenue? Obama vs. Romney; neither is a desirable choice, but the dividing lines are clear. They are far clearer than they would have been without Santorum.
The rest of the world poses enough problems for our country, why do we continue to weaken ourselves with this bickering about how we pay for social services that are not likely to go away? Unless we go broke.